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Brendon McCullum views England’s Test series in India as crucial examination for ‘Bazball’ | Cricket News

ডিসেম্বর ৪, ২০২৩ ৩:০৭ অপরাহ্ণ

Brendon McCullum, the head coach of the England Test cricket team, has emphasized the formidable challenge awaiting England in the upcoming series against India. He views this series, scheduled to commence on January 25, 2024, as the ultimate test of England’s distinctive and aggressive style of Test cricket known as Bazball.
Speaking at the RCB Innovation Lab’s Leaders Meet India, McCullum conveyed a palpable sense of anticipation and preparedness as England gear up to face India in the five-Test series on Indian soil.This contest, according to McCullum, will be a pivotal moment to assess the efficacy of England’s bold and attacking approach in the realm of Test cricket.
“We have got a huge challenge against a very good Indian team in five Tests in India. I am excited about it because you want to test yourself against the best side, and I genuinely believe that India are the best in their own conditions. It is going to be a good challenge for us. If we have success, then fabulous; if we don’t, then I know we will go down in the style that we want to go down,” said McCullum.
Additionally, the 42-year-old elaborated on his perspectives regarding the core principles and significance encapsulated by Bazball.
“We are playing the game because we love cricket and we want to try and be as good at cricket as we possibly can. During the time that you are in the chair, you want to make sure you enjoy it and you shouldn’t wait till the end of your career to do so.
“We are very lucky that we have had some immediate success but I don’t think it is the ceiling for us. I think we have seen some guys who have unlocked their potential in the last 18 months or so and that’s what the job is as a leader — to get the most out of the people that you’re in charge of,” he said.
McCullum also reminiscing his fearless and unbeaten knock of 158 off 73 balls in the very first IPL game, and credited this unbelievable knock as the inspiration for the Bazball phenomenon and how he still day-dreams about this life-changing moment.
He said, “The reason why I day-dream about that moment is because it literally changed my life. I was just a cricketer for New Zealand, where no one really knew what you did, where you’re from or what you’re capable of. But that day provided the platform, the forum and the opportunity to change my life.”
(With IANS inputs)

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