Ashwin on Tuesday trolled former Mumbai Indians skipper Rohit Sharma with a humorous post on Instagram.”Garden mein Ghoomne wale bande ka ‘Gardner’ Rohit Sharma ke saath,” Ashwin’s post read.
Earlier, Ashwin has spoken out against the escalating fan war surrounding MI skipper Hardik Pandya. The contentious issue arose after Pandya’s move to MI and his subsequent appointment as captain, replacing Sharma.
Ashwin condemned the online abuse and on-field jeering directed at Pandya, emphasizing that neither the franchise nor the player bears responsibility for the fan conflict.
“Neither has any role to play. Neither the franchise nor the player has a role to play in this at all. I think the responsibility and the onus lie on the fans,” stated Ashwin on his YouTube channel.
Expressing concern over the toxic fan culture, Ashwin called for a collective effort to foster a more positive environment in cricket fandom.
“We need to get our act together… Real-time sports have real-time emotions. How we go beyond that, counter it and find a balance to play cricket is what this is all about,” he emphasized.