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Precautions You Must Take During Home Quarantine

মে ৩১, ২০২১ ২:৩২ পূর্বাহ্ণ

(Representational Photo: Shutterstock)

(Representational Photo: Shutterstock)

Here are other precautions that you must take during home quarantine in order to protect your family members:

COVID-19 is a highly contagious viral disease and thus, it becomes increasingly difficult to protect yourself as well as your family when you are at the home quarantine. Most people prefer to isolate themselves at home when they test Covid-19 positive. Apart from taking care of yourself, having medicine and monitoring your oxygen levels, it is also important to avoid coming in contact with your family members.

The Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare had already issued a set of guidelines for those who have been confirmed or suspected to be infected with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and are isolating themselves at home. As per the guidelines, the person who is contracted with the deadly virus should stay in a well-ventilated single room, preferably with an attached/ separate toilet and should maintain a distance of at least one metre with any other person in the house.

Here are other precautions that you must take during home quarantine in order to protect your family members:

  • The person must maintain an ideal distance from the elderly, pregnant women, children and persons with co-morbidities.
  • One should avoid attending any social/religious gatherings or coming in contact with other family members under any circumstances.
  • Avoid sharing personal belongings or any item with other people in the house
  • One must use a disposable mask and keep changing it every six to eight hours.
  • The masks used by Covid infected person must be disposed of by burning after being disinfected by using ordinary bleach solution (5%) or sodium hypochlorite solution (1%).
  • Only one family member should take care of the quarantined person and should wear disposable gloves, a PPE kit, and a face mask while visiting the sick.
  • The clothes and other items used by the infected person should be cleaned separately.
  • The home surfaces should be disinfected daily with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.
  • Separate glasses, plates, spoons and cups should be used for the patient. They shouldn’t be mixed with the other household items. Also, while washing the dishes, the person must wear a mask and gloves and wash the dishes with hot water.
  • A person must remain in home quarantine for 14 days from the day of contact with a confirmed or suspected case.

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বিডিনিউজে সর্বশেষ

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