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‘Jurassic World Dominion’ Footage Leaked Online, Watch Video

জুন ২৩, ২০২১ ২:৫৩ অপরাহ্ণ

Soon after the makers released the first look of Jurassic World: Dominion on Monday, leaked footage from the upcoming movie found its way to YouTube. Although the quality of the video was reportedly quite bad, YouTube was quick to take the footage downas it infringed copyright laws. However, before the video-sharing platform took it down,a few fans did get to the clip which led them to speculate the storyline of the third instalment of the Jurassic World Franchise.

The leaked video posted on YouTube explored the possibility of a struggle for the balance of power between Tyrannosaurus vs Giganotosaurus. The official teaser of the movie shows that it is set 65 million years ago when the new species of dinosaurs, which will be introduced in the film, had to undergo a power tussle to attain dominance. The teaser also gave viewers a hint of a clash between a T-rex and the Giganotosaurus, the latter being a new addition to the franchise. The makershave also released a five-minute preview, which can only be watched during the IMAX screenings of the ninth installment of the Fast and Furious franchise.

Directed by Colin Trevorrow, the upcoming film will continue from the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom that saw dinosaurs escaping into the world after being freed. Actors Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will reprise their roles of Owen Grady and Claire Dearing in the movie, which will most likely release in summer 2022.

Originally, it was slated to release on June 10, 2021. However, the pandemic has delayed the schedule and pushed it a year further. Jurassic World Dominion will also see actors Isabella Sermon, Jake Johnson, Scott Haze, Daniella Pineda, Justice Smith, Omar Sy, Mamoudou Athie, DeWanda Wise, and Dichen Lachman.

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