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সোমবার , ২ আগস্ট ২০২১ | ৯ই মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
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Here’s All You Need to Know

আগস্ট ২, ২০২১ ৮:০৭ অপরাহ্ণ

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year completely disrupted our lives. Governments were forced to impose lockdowns and other emergency restrictions to stop the spread of the virus and everyone was forced inside their houses. Being stuck at home, we came across several new challenges and one of them was taking care of the pets during this difficult time. Several rumours around the virus and pets only made the situation tough. There were reports of many owners abandoning their pets because of the rumours.

The situation for street dogs was even tougher as they struggled to meet their daily food requirements. With everyone stuck inside their houses, these street dogs were left starving. However, the situation has improved in the past few months, but there are still a lot of things that pet owners need to keep in mind while caring for their animals.

Here, we list of the precautions that should be taken during pet care in the COVID-19 pandemic:

Talk to your veterinarian and update them about the health of your pet regularly.

Don’t mask your pets because masks can be harmful to their well-being.

Keep the pets away from a COVID positive person as he might become a carrier of the virus. While the chances of pets passing on the infections are less, protection should be taken.

Pet owners should get vaccinated against COVID-19 soonest possible.

Do not allow unvaccinated people to come in contact with your pet.

Avoid physical contact with your pet including petting, snuggling, being kisser or licked, sharing goods and sleeping in the same bed.

Avoid taking your pet out unnecessarily.

Avoid crowded places like parks, markets and other gatherings during such time.

If possible, provide a separate litter box and bathroom area for the pet and dump the litter in a sealed package.

Request another person in the house to take care of the pet in case you are sick.

In case you own multiple pets and you feel one of them might have contacted the virus, immediately separate them from the other and consult your vet for further process.

Monitor your pet’s symptoms and in case of any COVID-19 symptoms immediately talk to a veterinarian.

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বিডিনিউজে সর্বশেষ

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