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Mumbai Court Reserves Order on Actress’ Plea Seeking Transfer of Complaint

অক্টোবর ২১, ২০২১ ১০:৩০ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Following Kangana Ranaut‘s plea to transfer the Javed Akhtar defamation case to somewhere else, the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) court in Mumbai has reserved its orders. The Bollywood actress in her request said that she does not want Magistrate RR Khan, who has been hearing the veteran lyricist’s complaint to hear her case as she has no confidence in his court. The court will be delivering its order on Thursday, October 21.

She further stated that Khan has been unnecessarily summoning her. However, the actress did not appear after the repeated summons and a warrant was also issued against her.

Rizwan Siddiquee, appearing for Kangana in his arguments on Wednesday said that the magistrate was acting in a prejudiced manner by summoning her without giving reasons.

Also Read: Kangana Ranaut Files Counter Defamation Case Against Javed Akhtar, Says ‘Lost Faith in This Court’

In response, Akhtar’s advocate Jay K Bhardwaj argued that Ranaut had been deliberately missing the hearing on all occasions and therefore, her plea could not be recorded in terms of Section 251 Criminal Procedure Code after cognizance was taken by the magistrate.

After hearing both the arguments, Additional CMM ST Dante also called for Magistrate Khan’s say. However, it was not presented to Kangana and Akhtar’s lawyers.

Last month, Ranaut filed a counter defamation case against Javed Akhtar. The actress had appeared in Andheri court with regards to the defamation case filed against her by Akhtar. The hearing for the case has been adjourned till November 15. However, the actress has filed a counter case against Javed Akhtar, raising questions as to why she has been asked to be present in person for hearings. Her lawyer has filed a transfer application to CMM court.

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বিডিনিউজে সর্বশেষ

সূর্যের স্থান ও নক্ষত্র পরিবর্তনে টাকার সাগরে ভাসবে ৩ রাশি! বাড়বে অর্থ, সম্মান
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