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Abhishek Ambareesh’s Wife Aviva Bidapa’s Workout Video Goes Viral

সেপ্টেম্বর ৯, ২০২৩ ৭:৪৬ অপরাহ্ণ

Aviva Bidapa was seen working out at the gym.

Aviva Bidapa was seen working out at the gym.

The clip has gone viral and is motivating fans to hit the gym.

Celebrity couple Abhishek Ambareesh and Aviva Bidapa got married on June 5, 2023. The couple hosted an extravagant reception on June 7, which was graced by the popular faces of the industry and politics. Ever since, the couple have been garnering a lot of attention and love on social media. Recently, Aviva Bidapa got the internet hooked with her latest video on Instagram. From the clip, it seems like Aviva Bidapa is a fitness enthusiast. The video shows her working out at the gym. The clip has gone viral and is motivating fans to hit the gym. Dressed in a pink workout T-shirt, blue pants with colourful stripes and white shoes with black details, Aviva’s workout videos look intense. Her workout consists of step-ups, tricep dips, bicep curls and various other types of exercises. Aviva Bidapa’s caption read, “Mondays are always the hardest. 4 rounds circuit.”

The comment section was very enthusiastic about her workout regime. Netizens praised Aviva Bidapa for her hard work in maintaining good health and form. A comment read, “Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude and your mood; keep it up.” Another comment read, “Good on you baby girl! You’re amazing!” A user jokingly commented, “Aur kitna fit honeka soch rahe ho (How much more fit do you want to get)?”

Aviva Bidapa shared a glimpse of herself from the gym previously as well. She posed in front of some machines along with her friend. The caption read, “Congrats to one of our childhood homies for making it happen. We are so proud of you dunks.”

Abhishek Ambareesh and Aviva Bidapa met at a fashion event. Ever since there has been a buzz that the two were dating. They made their relationship official last year on December 11, when they got engaged to each other in an intimate ceremony. Abhishek hails from a family of film and politics, while Aviva dons many hats. She is an actress, model, fashion designer and entrepreneur.

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