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রবিবার , ১৭ অক্টোবর ২০২১ | ৩০শে পৌষ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
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History, Significance and All You Need to Know

অক্টোবর ১৭, ২০২১ ৬:৫৮ পূর্বাহ্ণ

Boss’s Day or Bosses Day, is celebrated on October 16. It is the day on which employees show appreciation for their employers or bosses for their fair treatment and support at the workplace. It is believed that such events will help improve the employer-employee relationship and energise the employees to work for the betterment of their companies. Below we share the history behind this day, its significance and criticisms.

Boss Day: History

Boss’s Day has its origin in the United States. It was Patricia Bays Haroski, who worked as a secretary for the State Farm Insurance Company in Illinois, who wanted her colleagues and subordinates to display their appreciation for their employer, who happened to be her father. She registered National Boss’s Day with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in the year 1958 and chose October 16 as the date as it happened to be her father’s birthday.

Haroski felt that her father and all bosses deserved appreciation for the leadership and mentorship that they provide to their employees. She wanted employees to be appreciative of their superiors and hoped such celebrations would help improve relationships and camaraderie between managers and employees. Illinois Governor Otto Kerner approved Haroski’s registration in 1962 and proclaimed the day.

Boss Day 2021: Significance

Boss’s Day is meant to improve the working relationship between employees and their supervisors or employers. The day is also meant to encourage employees to appreciate the work that their supervisors and employers put in to keep the company afloat.

Boss Day: Criticism

Critics of Boss’s Day claim that such celebrations put undue pressure on workers to please their employers. It is the employers who must appreciate employees for their hard work and dedication to meet the targets, deadlines and help the companies earn a profit, not the other way around.

It may be morally questionable for employers to seek or accept appreciation and/or gifts from their subordinates. This, critics feel, allows employers to project an air of supremacy before their employees. Despite such legitimate criticisms, Boss’s day celebrations are on the rise, globally.

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