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COVID-19: NRAI postpones selection trials after weekend curfew imposed in Delhi | More sports News

জানুয়ারি ৫, ২০২২ ৭:৫৩ পূর্বাহ্ণ

NEW DELHI: A rise in the graph of Covid-19 cases in the national capital has led to the local government imposing weekend curfew from this week onward. The decision has forced the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) to postpone the selection trials for pistol events, which were scheduled for January 13 to 25.
The federation also decided to postpone the rifle and shotgun selection trials to be held in Bhopal this month.
Shooters who achieve the qualification mark in various age categories at the National Championships are eligible to participate in selection trials, which are held to pick the India squad for future tournaments.
“Due to restrictions (weekend curfew) imposed by the Government of Delhi, it has been decided to postpone the selection trials which were scheduled to be held at Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Ranges, New Delhi, from 13th to 25th January, 2022,” the NRAI said in its statement.
“The fresh dates of trials will be announced as and when conditions are conducive to conduct trials,” it added.
The increasing Covid-19 caseload across the country has led to stricter restrictions being put in place by state governments.

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